The Golden Tree

Wild and Holy
Trees are grounded and stable, yet reach for the heavens. They give us breath, life energy .
The Ginkgo tree has been used in medicine and prayer for thousands of years. These trees are the oldest living fossils and the one pictured here is 1,400 years old at Gu Guanyin Buddhist Temple in Zhongnan Mountains.
A few not only survived the bombing of Hiroshima, Japan but are still living and thriving today.
You have been through a lifetime of trauma, joy, love, and pain.
The golden tree as our logo reminds us of deep wisdom within and how to find stability while reaching for the stars.
It's time to transform.

This style of medicine is poetry and art in both it's philosophy and practice. I feel inspired everyday by patients who find insights, freedom from pain, and leave with smiles on their faces.
I have found a passion of Tao philosophy, yoga, energy and spiritual seeking with my medical practice. I feel that spirituality is a missing link in healthcare. We are not fully mechanical beings. If we were, there would be no surprises in health. We could predict and fix it all. But, we are much more complex. And this journey is one we take together.
Human life is an ebb and flow of ups and downs. Through curiosity about the sensations of being human (pain, anxiety, negative self talk, laughter, love) I've learned to enjoy life thoroughly, and to love all aspects of me, and others!
I see my internal experience of life through the lens of love. I seek joy. And I have the tools to do so.
That's what alchemy is. Turning the lead of life into gold. And that's what we do together here.
I can't wait for you to see what you can do on your beautifully unique path!
- Dr. Cami