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Thoughts influence actions. Mindset is everything!

I went from an anxious, complaining, people pleaser, perfectionist, stress ball to a laughing, confident, authentic, joyful, and calm(er) mama and healer.


I want to help you become empowered by your own mindset. Your thoughts direct your actions and you CAN create a life that feels purposeful and excites something deep inside.


Imagine being able to let go of mom/dad guilt easier because you connected with your family today.


Imagine feeling like it was a "good day" almost everyday, even when things were hard.


Imagine finally stepping into that future vision of yourself that you've been daydreaming about.


I spent years, and thousands of dollars, searching for more joy in my life through therapy, books, courses,  lectures, meditation training, and more.

Image by Michael Held

I learned how my demanding job, failed marriage, negative self talk, and inability to do anything alone were actually gifts of self discovery and progression once I dove into them with love and compassion.


Now, I have an amazing relationship beyond my wildest dreams, a sense of humor and curiosity about all of my experiences, a desire to help others create their ideal realities, and when applied to parenting, a deep sense of connection to my kids regardless of my human slip-ups.


100 Days to Me! is a course designed around activities you are most likely doing already. These tools are not only easy, they are ways of being in the moment so you can find joy everyday.


Are you ready to shift into a healthier state of mind?


You want to feel more in control of how you experience your life.


You want easy, applicable practices that you can do anywhere.


You are so ready to be that dream version you have of yourself.

  This is for you if:  

What's in it for you?


14 Modules of Video's
& Soul Work

Spend 5-10 minutes listening to a quick lecture and 5 minutes a day playing around with the homework attached.

Image by Henry Ascroft

Take it With You Anywhere!

Access on any device!

Soul Work is all about using your mind and drive to change habits. There is no extra cost once you begin.

Join us on your phone, tablet, or laptop!

Image by Olegs Jonins

Lasting Results

You will learn easy ways to be present, to focus on the joy in a moment, and take these skills with you everywhere... forever!

Meditate at the beach

"All it takes is 5 minutes a day to become who I've always dreamed of being."

Image by Fuu J

It's Your Time Now

Functionality You Will Love

Why Mindset Matters

Awareness is the key to creating a life worth living. Learn how to let stress come and go easily by becoming aware of your body and minds reaction to it! Empowering you to put your focus on areas of joy, creativity, and peace.

Easy, free tool

All you need is YOU, notebook or journal, a drive to feel good, and some excitement for the possibilities.

This program is designed to teach you how to live an ordinary life extraordinarily! 

Reconnect to Yourself

Get out of your head and into the beauty of YOU! You are unique and vibrant. When was the last time you felt expansive, beautiful, and fulfilled with the life you have right now?

Image by Leo Wieling

Within Reach

We are going to spend 100 days together, cultivating the habit of dropping into NOW  to experience moments of joy and reconnection, to recognize we are bigger than our thoughts and body sensations, and actively seek areas of wonder.


We are going to tap into the ideal version of yourself that you dream about and start acting NOW. The neuroscience is there. All you need is your will power, your imagination, and a few tricks to cultivate the most magnificent view of your life right now.


Change is hard. Oh boy, is it! We are creatures of habit, but those habits don't always mean comfort. Sometimes our "comfort" is just familiar and we are fighting both brain and body to change.


You've got the drive. Keep it up! Join me on this journey of developing new habits that rewire the brain and change the chemistry in the body for a more joyful experience of life. 


These are tools that you get to take with you for the rest of your life! Use them daily, as needed, and create your own unique path to a healthier mindset! 

Online Course Info
Clifftop Yoga
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